How to Make the Most of Parent-Teacher Conferences - The Children's House


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How to Make the Most of Parent-Teacher Conferences

by Jenny Lamble
Friday, October 22, 2021

Parent-teacher conferences are right around the corner. We genuinely care for your child and their development and look forward to our time together. We have lots to share about your child and, because no one knows your child better than you do, we look forward to hearing from you all about your child, discussing any questions you may have and supporting you at home when possible. 

At The Children’s House, we believe that we are partnering with families to support the children. Because children are in the same classroom for 2-3 years, this long period together allows us ample time to develop a strong partnership and make plans, together, for your child’s learning. This parent-teacher conference is an opportunity to support our unique partnership and for each of us to share how we may better support your child, both at home and at school.

Over the years, we have found that the best conferences include a mixture of:

Before conferences:

  • Read your child’s progress report or any information that your child’s guide sends you

  • If you have questions, please email them to your child’s guide so you can be sure to discuss them during the conference

  • Plan ahead; conferences are scheduled at the same time every year (always Thursday evening and Friday). Schedule any trips to allow you to be in town during conference time

  • If you have an older child, talk to your child about anything they would like for you to discuss with their guide

  • If you have two children in one class, sign up for a conference slot for each child

On the day of your conference:

  • Do not bring your child (with the exception of Junior High)

  • Be considerate of time - being on time allows you to make the most of the 30 minutes you have with your child’s guide

  • Please share any events or changes that may impact your child (a new baby, move, vacation, divorce, death, etc)

  • Ask your most important questions first - in case time runs out

  • Relax, don't be nervous - this is just a conversation about your child, for whom we both deeply care 

  • Remember, it’s not about you - your child’s achievements and behaviors are not a reflection of your achievements, nor your areas for growth

  • Please ask for explanations or clarifications for anything you don’t understand

We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child. See you at conferences!