Giving - The Children's House

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The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.
      -Maria Montessori

Bright Futures Fund

Our Bright Futures Fund supports our school - the people and the physical space - now and well into the future. 

When you give to our Bright Futures Fund, you are investing in:

Children - building within them the skills, grace, courage, resiliency, humanity, and a sense of responsibility to create healthy and peaceful futures for themselves and their communities. 

Teachers - supporting their Montessori practice with professional development opportunities. Our guides are highly trained and prepare a classroom that supports and inspires children to love to learn - they are the dynamic link between the materials and the child’s learning experience. To get to know our guides, watch this video

Our future - sustaining The Children’s House to ensure that it will provide an exceptional learning environment for our students today and for years to come - no matter what challenges we may face.

To make a pledge, please describe your ideal payment plan for your gift in the comments section of this form. Thank you. 

Gifts to our Bright Futures Fund are unrestricted - they are used when and where they are needed most. Should you prefer to direct a gift to a specific program or project, please contact Shanna Gonzalez, Director of Donor Relations, at (231) 929-9325. 

Make your gift today

Since our Bright Futures Fund launched in 2020, the fund has raised $810,722 and supported these projects:

  • Replaced the shingled roof
  • Installed a new climber on the Primary playground
  • Hung a new Compass Montessori Junior High sign at our Park Street Campus
  • Purchased a new professional dishwasher and food processor for the kitchen
  • Replaced the in-floor heating boiler
  • Added new window shades
  • Purchased a 12-passenger van and a riding lawn mower
  • Installed a new door lock system
  • Restriped, repaired, and resealed the driveway
  • Installed a new roof membrane
  • Refinished many pieces of existing furniture and replaced some that could not be refinished
  • Replaced two classroom refrigerators, three dishwashers, a washer and dryer, and several vacuum cleaners
  • Replaced custom cabinetry in a classroom
  • Painted walls and ceilings in classrooms and great halls
  • Replaced vinyl flooring and rugs
  • Refinished the gym floor
  • Created two dedicated Primary nap spaces
  • Renovated the former Junior High wing into a new community room, YCC Friends Club space, staff kitchen and work room, and quiet space for adults

In addition, our Bright Futures Fund supports our cash reserves for future improvements - so that we are always able to plan for and respond to the needs of the future. 

Leadership Giving Levels

You are invited to learn more about our leadership giving levels and other ways to be a part of our Bright Futures Fund including IRA charitable distribution, memorials and honorariums, planned giving, and foundation grants. 

More ways to give

Questions? Please contact Shanna Gonzalez, Director of Donor Relations, at (231) 929-9325. 

The Children’s House is a nonprofit organization and gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Tax ID# 38-2536891.