Moving up to Primary - The Children's House

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Moving up to Primary

by Betsy Bloomquist
Friday, December 3, 2021

Your child’s transition into the world of Primary is an exciting, integral part in their development. The environment that awaits them is larger, filled with wonderful new materials to explore and new friends of various ages to lend a hand and engage in more mature social interactions.

An assortment of sensorial materials are likely among the first lessons to be given, along with new introductions to the practical life work they so love. The guides also provide familiar favorites, or “transisional materials”,  such as more challenging puzzles, books with a wider variety of topics, and new art projects.It takes some time to adjust. This adjustment period is something I have observed many times over the years as I’ve transitioned my students, as well as my own children, from our Young Children’s Community to Primary. 

Things to keep in mind…

  • Yes, there are more children, and yes, it seems like they would get lost. Yet, your child is ready for interactions with older children and these older children are eager to assist. The guides are skilled observers and are aware of your child’s needs. 

  • Your child has developed an emotional maturity that allows them to be more independent when walking to class from carline each morning and putting their belongings in their cubby. 

  • Physical evidence of their time in Primary looks different in some ways. In YCC, your child came home with more tangible items related to what they accomplished such as art work, a loaf of bread, maybe a beaded necklace (or 3) . The work in the Primary environment is less about a finished product. Rather, it’s the repeated practice on the knob cylinders until they have them placed just right, or the concentration that happens while working on the pink tower. It’s the table they scrubbed or the lunch dishes they washed all by themselves. It’s the pride they feel.                                    

  • Wonderful experiences are happening daily. Although your child may come home and say, when asked “How was your day?” that they “played outside and ate a snack,” I remind parents to have trust in the process– they really did many amazing things as they went about their day. 

So, take a deep breath as your child walks into the building on their first day in Primary. They are capable, independent, and very much loved. They got this! And so do you!