Partnering with Families to Raise Exceptional Learners - The Children's House

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Partnering with Families to Raise Exceptional Learners

by Jenny Lamble
Friday, October 21, 2022

Think back to when you first considered enrolling your child at The Children’s House. No matter the reason you chose to be here - and surely, there are a million - you have selected an environment that is not just a beautiful place for your child to spend their days; you have also joined a loving, supportive school community. As I welcome new families into the Young Children’s Community, I share with them that the community within our four walls will become your child’s new home away from home. It will become a place where both you and your child will develop strong, lasting friendships, and a place where you will feel supported as a parent and as a family. For some of you, this partnership is in its infancy; for others, we’ve had the privilege of sharing this partnership for many years. Regardless, this partnership is our commitment to the child.

In the Young Children’s Community, the home-school partnership begins early on, but the toilet learning process really illustrates the importance of the collective efforts between the adults in the child's life. Later on, this collaboration will take a different form - it could look like choosing a snowsuit that your child can put on independently, it could look like taking a moment to listen to your child read to you, it could even look like practicing concepts around fractions and measurements by baking a batch of cookies. As they grow, the tasks with which they engage, the challenges they encounter, their inner work as a growing young person - all of this will evolve, but the home-school partnership remains the same. We are rooting for you, we are rooting for your child. And we are looking forward to meeting with you soon at Parent Teacher Conferences. 

Thank you for this privilege to partner with your family. We are so happy you’re here.